1 min read
Teaching for Climate Action

Summary of Insights

Education has a unique role to play in building a greener future. Our future societies, our future habits and behaviours, and ways of living, all take root in the classrooms of today. But, transforming how our next generation thinks and acts about the environment and the world requires profound changes in teaching and learning. 

From July 2021 to December 2021, the OECD, UNESCO and Education International ran the Teaching for Climate Action initiative to gather teacher expertise on what makes a difference in promoting student agency and helping students to act and lead on climate matters. Teachers from across the globe were invited to share their initiatives and projects through short video explainers in the Global Teaching InSights site. Also, they participated in five global dialogues together with peers, teacher educators, school leaders, organisations and climate experts, including an event during COP26, to discuss preliminary insights as well as future directions for education systems. 

Overall, about 850 teachers actively contributed to this initiative, with engagement from more than 6500 visitors across 157 countries. 

This document provides a summary of the main insights gathered during this initiative.